The images and posts all over the Internet right now are searing and burning and brutal. Memories, videos, tributes…
each one a dagger๐ŸŽ—️๐Ÿงก

My mind is saying, “Shut it all off. Stop scrolling. It won’t bring them back and it won’t help anyone to keep scrolling.
๐Ÿคช *If only there was somewhere to go to only see the good news, the miracles and support for us from around the world…”*

The eternal optimist here, that’s my role…we must believe with all of our hearts and our souls, without allowing a 
shadow of a doubt to enter our thoughts - that the tears, prayers, hugs and cries are the final tipping point toward 
redemption. The end. It has to be. Mashiach will be here by morning.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow…

The next 24 hours…let us love, unite, empathize and be one - for the kidnapped, for their families, for our fallen who 
will return home tomorrow and in the coming days to receive their right to eternal rest, for the fighters, for the wounded 
in body and soul, for those dearest to us who we lost in this war, for the State of Israel.

Someone suggested … Perhaps don’t broadcast the images of horror tomorrow, don't spread anything on the networks.
Only the Israeli flag. Everywhere. Let's show them, the scum of humanity who trade in the lives of those dearest to us,
that we are invincible. When we are together, we defeat even the purest evil, all those who rose up against us to 
destroy us - have been defeated. And we are here, we will always be here and we will always win. We are a free people
 in our land and our hope will never be lost.

G-d save us, comfort us and renew our strength so that we may serve You with joy and love. Please bring us peace 
and only goodness - Mashiach - very soon.

We will rise up from the darkness - strong. proud. better…somehow…we always do ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿซถ

Raise the Israeli flag tomorrow, everywhere. They are coming home. ๐Ÿก

๐Ÿ’•Sam Kramer ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก

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