Friday, October 2, 2020

Sukkot with Corona

 Frankly, it's been sad walking around this week. The motzei Shabbos before Sukkot is always a hopping time in the mercaz with tons of vendors selling anything and everything that might be needed for the holiday. This past Saturday night, however, was like walking through a ghost town, with only the supermarkets open....

We made some additions and changes to our sukkah this year, the main one being that we got beams installed on our mirpesset/porch so that we don't need canvas or wooden walls (the houses here, being designed for the religious community, are generally built so that porch walls can be used for the sukkah). And for those of you from the Northeast who are used to being chilly if not downright cold at night in your sukkah, that is, indeed, a fan in the corner; it's going to be in the mid- high 80s this weekend). A big thank you to Carolyn L for the Sukkot cloth napkins that are still going strong close to 20 years after you gave them to me as a gift!


My small addition (done in the "Elka and Solomon style" of adding something small and new each year) is this:

In the corner of the sukkah, I put a little rubber "coronavirus" and a tiny sign saying "it will be okay".

A thought I read is that this year, without guests, we will be more in tune with truly inviting the ushpizin, the spiritual guests we "invite" every night as we enter the sukkah

For those beloved family members we usually Zoom with on Sundays, we won't be on this week or next week because of Sukkot. Sending love.

And for anyone who wants a blast from the past, here is the link to my very first Sukkot blog post after we made aliyah. Wow, what a lot has changed in 5 years!