In honor of "Aliyah Day" that was earlier this week (to coincide with this week's Torah portion of Lech Lecha, where Avraham is commanded by Gd to go from his land, his birthplace and his family to the land that Hashem will show him), I wanted to give a big shout out to one of the country's newest citizens: Cousin Jillian!!!
Okay, so she's not likely to be here 'until 120', as we say. She's more likely to be here until she finishes medical school, and being a citizen will help her breeze in- and out of the country with (more) ease during Covid. It will also mean that *her* first-degree relatives can apply for permission to enter the country for a visit (Israel being closed to tourists since March 2020.....). SOOO, cousins Mike, Marlene and Lindsey: hope to see you soon!
I can only imagine my Grandpa Jack, a''h, and Jillian's great-grandpa Louis, who were brothers, are smiling in shamayim at their descendants living in Israel. I would like to thank Jillian for finally giving me a relative in this country who doesn't live under the same roof as me. And for being the kind of person who get choked up when the Philharmonic plays "Hatikva" before the concert begins. Love you and SO proud of you, Jillian!