Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Downs and Ups of Living in Israel

 Yesterday, in the late afternoon, I made a shiva visit to a family from our shul whose son, while fighting in the Army in Gaza last week, was hit by an anti-tank missile. Yonatan Greenblatt, hy''d, died on Shabbat. 

And then, a few hours later, I went to an engagement party for my friend's son (out of the Army until August, when he's back in Gaza. May Hashem protect him and all of our soldiers).

To everything there is a season.....

But in Israel the seasons seem to come a whole lot faster and stronger than they did in the US.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Guest Post by Our 3 Year-Old Friend


Avi, his 7 year-old sister Bella  (who has been walking to shul with me most weeks for the past few months) and their mom often join us for Shabbos lunch. Their dad/husband was called up for reserve duty on October 7 and has spent the vast majority of the last 9 months fighting for the safety of our country.....(SUCH a small country--he has his car with him and, when possible, he drives the few hours home. Having grown up on war stories where the brave soldier is going overseas on a plane or boat and won't see his family for months, if not years, this concept is incredible [and also terrifying, frankly, that the war front is easily drivable from my sleepy suburb]).

Last week, Bella brought her brother's little siddur to shul with her, so she could say the special prayer we say for the soldiers. When I saw Avi's "personal prayer" in the back, I got quite the lump in my throat. He prays that his father "could go to the Army and also be at home".....