Monday, December 2, 2019

Black Friday

Or, as they say here, "Blek Frrrriday".  It was here.  Or maybe it still is.  All last week I heard ads on the radio saying, "Black Friday sale: all this week".  And there's even a mall that's been advertising its sales "all this month".  What are they even basing Black Friday on?! Thanksgiving isn't a holiday here, there being no need to commemorate friendship among Native Americans and Pilgrims.  (Of course there are the American ex-pats who still indulge, although everyone I know who made turkey and pumpkin pie had it for Shabbos dinner, Thursday the 28th being a regular work/school day here)!  Shalom Shachne says that Israel hasn't figured out how to have so many retail holidays like the US has, so they have to latch on to whatever they can.....Today, even though it's Monday (Israel evidently hasn't yet been tipped off to Cyber Monday), I repeatedly heard ads exhorting people to come in for "the last day of the Black Friday sale". 

But this sign really took the cake (er, pumpkin pie?!):

My friend sent this photo of an ad in Yiddish for Black Friday.  So come on down to the Shvartze Freytag sale!  And don't forget the cranberry sauce!