Thursday, June 17, 2021


 As of this point, it seems that Israel is DONE with Covid (and please Gd may it stay that way). For about the last week, there have been less than twenty cases a day of Covid (the max was in September with over 11,000 cases in one day). 

The indoor mask mandate--the last remaining Covid law aside from those relating to travel--was repealed and WOOHOO it is just great to not need to wear masks any more. Super popular local video shows a teacher telling her young class that the Prime Minister had just repealed the law requiring them to wear masks in class and then the kids going crazy throwing their masks in the air, tearing them up and just generally having a bedlam-ous good time! I'm sure all my teacher friends can relate :)

Monday, June 14, 2021

She Did It!!!

Beyond proud of all of Penina's hard work to graduate high school IN HEBREW. She's worked incredibly (unbelievably, hugely) hard over the past six years. It's no easy feat to change countries and languages when you are entering 7th grade....

with thanks to cousin Jillian for the photo.
And for sitting through a three-hour graduation in Hebrew....

Next up: summer job as a camp photographer at a (really "the") camp that has a mix of children with developmental disabilities along with those who are typically developing, and then on to seminary in a new part of Israel, where she will be learning half a day and spending the other half of the day volunteering with at-risk children. Way to go!!