Today is our 23rd anniversary according to the Jewish calendar. This week's parsha, Shoftim, is our aufruf parsha, so it always feels very appropriate (and I remember how much my father-in-law Irwin a''h loved the line "tzedek tzedek tirdof"--righteousness righteousness you shall pursue" [and those of you who had the privilege to know him are probably nodding your head now, saying, "yes, that was Irwin"]).
The kids went over the shuk and returned with an enormous amount of fancy chocolate (following the "give what you'd like to get" model, I assume), a beautiful card (no easy feat here) and a lovely wooden holder for bircat hamazon books. We don't usually make a big deal about our anniversary, but this one certainly counts as worthy of note.
I would like to wish a Happy Anniversary to my dear husband, the most patient person I know, who waited 30 years to have his dream of making aliyah come true. He was a very young man when he first had his dream of living in Israel. Now, four kids, gray hair and all, he is finally here. Happy Anniversary, Shalom Shachne. May we be privileged to share many more happy, healthy, laugh-laden years together and continue making our dreams come true.
Mazal Tov and many more til 120!