Fortunately, I was able to find out the answer to the "what-do-you-do-when-you-need-medical-care-on-Shabbat-and-you-live-in-a-religious-city-where-EVERYTHING-is-closed-for-25-hours-starting-at-sundown-on-Friday" question. And, even more fortunately, is was for something that wasn't very serious (as I was cleaning the BEST kitchen gadget ever I decided I should use my fingers to remove a piece of onion skin stuck to the blade. Should you ever have this moronic thought, please don't listen to it).
Israeli businesses LOVE promotional magnets. I have really never seen anything like it. Fortunately, everyone's front doors are made of metal (I'm not really sure why, it may be a security thing. Or maybe it's just because there's no way all those promotional magnets would fit on a refrigerator so the door companies decided to give us more places to put them). When we moved to town, in with our city phone directory were a number of promotional magnets, including one for the local "Shabbos Health Clinic", which has free walk-in hours Friday night and Saturday afternoon (fyi, for more serious things, ambulances run 24/7 and the local freestanding emergency room is also always open). There was a medic and a doctor in the clinic and they patched me up nicely (b''H, didn't need stitches, just a big dressing on my index finger that made me look like I was wearing one of those giant foam "We're #1" hands). They asked me to wait around a bit so the doctor could recheck that the dressing was all I needed, so I saw several other people being treated. The staff did such a nice job at getting people speedily in, patched up and out the door. Reminded me of my office at camp, where the main thing on a camper's mind is "how quickly can you get me out of here and back to having fun?!"
And my finger is fine (didn't even need the follow-up appointment they gave me for Saturday afternoon for a dressing change). See the things I go through in my quest for interesting blog posts?!
Please daven for a refuah shleima for Malka bat Beryl Rivka, my sister-in-law who has been fighting Stage 4 breast cancer for the past 16 years. May she soon have a return to good health.
The magnetic steel door is much heavier and is supposed to provide more security. Our neighbor's house was broken into and switched their door immediately to a heavy-metal magnetic door after that. Before they had a simple wooden door.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a mamad (shelter) room? You have not mentioned it in your blog.