Some of us (okay, perhaps just me....) are planning to dress up as "new olim" for the holiday of Purim next week. So far, my costume is a Nefesh B'Nefesh baseball hat, a camera around my neck, my MapsJerusalem map and....well, not sure what else. I'm going to see if we have any Israel t-shirts, but I don't think we do. Your input wanted, please!
p.s. more photos of Batsheva's visit coming soon to a blog near you. b''H, we're having a great time!
Purim costume? ... How about, on top of w/e else you wear. either a T-shirt or else a sweatshirt (depending on the temp) with a large Donald Trump face on it? ... Definitely marks you as a new olah. --- Happy Purim from Malden
ReplyDeleteI wish I could lend you my NE Patriots hat it's in Hebrew!!!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could lend you my NE Patriots hat it's in Hebrew!!!
ReplyDeleteMy thanks to those who posted and those who emailed your ideas. As a habitual user of Google translate on my phone, bringing a dictionary hadn't even occurred to me (the last time I used a paper dictionary was a few months ago on Shabbos and it was to look up an English word!). So, bing bing bing, we have a winner and I will plan to add a dictionary to my costume :)