Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus in Israel

I've been mulling over what I want to write and it seems like each day the situation changes enough that what I had planned to write the day before isn't appropriate.  But now I've decided to just share a few things that have shocked/stunned I have found interesting.

Tonight, PM Netanyahu went on live television announcing the latest additions to the fight against coronavirus here.  The big news was that this includes canceling school until (at least) after Pesach vacation.  That gives kids about 6 weeks at home (I guess "never say never" is true because I was pretty darn sure I was never going to homeschool again).  (He also missed the opportunity to use hand sanitizer after wiping his nose with a tissue, but I'm not going to quibble).  I'm hoping the honeymoon phase with being home will last until.....right before the kids go back to school. 

My work is a bit up-in-the-air as well.  Today, my company sent me home in the middle of the day and told me to finish up seeing students virtually.  As of now, it is unclear if that will be the "new normal" for my patient visits.

We have high hopes for this extra time off, including having a house beautifully ready for Pesach.  Sadly, it is unclear if anyone will get to see aside from the four of us, though, as Auntie Paula, Uncle Steven, Jen, Shmulie and Coby are not coming in and Chana is really up in the air as to what she's doing (Netanyahu's last announcement, that anyone coming in from overseas needs to be in home quarantine for 14 days, somehow didn't sound particularly appealing to her [quarantine here is much tougher than in the US.  Here it would mean not leaving her bedroom for 2 weeks. At least there's a bathroom in there!])

My favorite coronavirus prevention tip is that people should not kiss the mezuzahs on building doorposts!

Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

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