Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Iron Dome

First off, let me give you a chuckle: if you don't know (or remember from one of my previous posts ;)). The Iron Dome in Hebrew is called "kipat barzel". Yep, we're being protected by an "Iron Yarmulke" (which is great, since it includes a nod to Gd, the ultimate protector).

I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the news, especially since so much of the US news is concerning, frustrating or downright maddening. But I have heard enough carping about the Iron Dome being "unfair" that I want to briefly address the topic. Let's all get this straight: the Iron Dome is a DEFENSE system. If anyone has a problem with Israel having the Iron Dome, then take your thinking back a step: the Iron Dome is ONLY used when rockets are being fired at Israel. If you think it's not right for Israel to have the "advantage" of being able to protect its citizens from a terrorist group that's very covenant calls for the "obliteration" of Israel, then you can do your best to convince Hamas to stop firing rockets. Then Israel stops using the Iron Dome. Simple, really. Although too bad the "partner" you're trying to convince to stop sending over rockets feels that "so-called peaceful solutions" and are in contradiction to the principles they hold dear and that "there is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad...." 

Click here to read a great editorial by David Harris, CEO of the AJC (American Jewish Congress) responding to Trevor Noah's recent monologue (definitely read if you're looking for some good talking points).

And, finally, a few words from Golda Meir to finish this post:

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