Friday, April 5, 2024

Koach = strength

 When the war started, my sister (genius that she is) asked me to post on my Whatsapp status every day so she'd know we were okay. In the beginning (mostly bc were were in the bomb shelter fairly frequently), it was easy to post. Now I'm often scrambling (photo of Percy, anyone?!).

I think a lot of us in Israel are feeling tired and beaten down. We've been at war half a year, Iran's breathing down our necks, antisemitism is going crazy all around the world and it just doesn't seem to end....(Fun fact: Israel is scrambling GPS signals , making everyone very confused [the joke on other people's Whatsapp status is that GPS is showing them to be in Lebanon. Although it might not be a joke])

So when Tuesday rolled around and that's when I usually make dinner for two families of soldiers and I was feeling blah, I posted this to my Whatsapp status as a reminder both to myself and others:

And I'm glad I posted it as my status because a) someone I barely know sponsored pizza for a family! and b) a good friend was asked to host a 13th soldier at her Shabbos table when her table really only holds 12 and now her family will add a folding table and c) both recipient families sent messages that they loved their dinners (which I don't take as a given)

Shabbat Shalom. b''eH a quiet and peaceful Shabbat is on its way.

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