For a long time, I have maintained that the appropriate prayer for any issue a person is dealing with is found in Morning Blessings.
It is hard to believe that for 404 days, we have been saying the blessing matir asurim --"You release the bound"--with the concept that, yes, our limbs are moving and we can arise from sleeping, but also that there are hostages who truly are bound and need to be released. Every morning I say the name of each one of the hostages and Daven that today will be the day they come home.
We ask Gd each morning to give us strength ("Please Gd, give all the soldiers who are working so hard, all the strength they need").
But the blessing that is most resonating with me these days is hanoten l'yaef koach, "You give strength to the weary". I try not to speak for everyone, but for this, I think I can truly say that the country is weary. It is hard to believe it's been 13.5 months since the war started.
When it began, I numbered my blog posts ("War Day 5"), in the innocence of thinking this would be over soon.....
Now, we have my friend's son, who was called up in his Reserve Unit on October 7 and was in the Army until mid-October. That's OVER A YEAR. He's home now, working and getting ready for his upcoming marriage, and just found out that, though he was supposed to go back in the Army in February, it's been moved up to January. His wedding is the 29th of December, so they better not push it back any further....
A video going around shows a restaurant closed as the owner has been called up for reserve duty. "Pray for me" the sign says:
It is soon to be our neighbor Binyamin Airley's first yahrzeit. His mom, Jen, has become a very popular speaker on the English-language circuit (listen/read any of these: she's always amazing). His parents opened Beit Binyamin in his memory, to give soldiers, first responders, war widows and others deeply affected by the war the space to do some healing.
And each day, each week there are the smiles in the photos of the beautiful soldiers who have been killed in battle. "Approved for release" have become heartbreaking words because they're followed with the names of soldiers who have fallen in battle:
And how can there still be HUNDREDS of missiles being sent to us each day?! Yesterday alone, there were 265 incoming missile alerts. The total since the beginning of the war is 28,000 incoming missile sirens in Israel.
This is what the middle of the country looked like on Tuesday, mid-day. Menashe, who has started a new job in Tel Aviv, says he's learned his way to the building safe room really well:
We had an "incoming" siren the other morning at 5:56 a.m. The best spin on it that I heard was, "At least I didn't need to wake up my kids for school".
And here I am, about to make my annual weekend visit to my mother to celebrate my birthday and I truly cannot wrap my head around the fact that I am, again, collecting supplies for soldiers. Last November, I would have said there was no way I'd be collecting again this year. Yet here we are.....
Still praying for peace and permanent safety for our tiny little corner of the world.
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