Monday, July 8, 2019


Ilana is at "adventure camp" in the Golan now, and I wanted to share a few things that I find interesting about camps here:

1) sleepover camp is not common.  There are tons of day camps, but very, very few overnight camps. Maybe because such a high percentage of kids while still in their teens will start attending the "ultimate Israeli overnight camp", aka "the army"?  I don't know, but that's the only idea that's come to me.

2) her camp is only 11 days long!  In the US, it's pretty much 4- or 8-week sessions for camps


3) Whew--I got the "early bird" discount because I paid by.....June 1!  Those of you who had to pay by January (or is it December now?!) to get your child an early bird discount at a US camp are probably laughing by now.  Or maybe you're crying....

In any case, Ilana returns Thursday and will be buckling down to try to surpass her total of hours read and funds raised for this year's Lema'an Achai Readathon

(Here is Ilana at last year's prize ceremony and, below, me [one of the Readathon volunteer coordinators], giving out a prize.  Want to help Ilana and the incredible Lema'an Achai organization?  Please click here--and thank you!) 

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