Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 Now that we've had a delightful 2 weeks and 4 days (but who's counting) without the @#$%^# Houthis firing a ballistic missile at us (they say the cease fire applies to them as well), I think it's time to share the little information that I've discovered:

First: let's take a look at the map so you can join me in asking, "WHY do the Houthis (pardon me, "the @#%$^ Houthis") have any skin in this game when they are SO far away?!

"relations" (and I use that term loosely). Thank you, Wikipedia

I read an interesting article in Mishpacha Magazine: "The Houthis: Iran's Last Card" and wanted to share this eye-opening paragraph from the article about "Iran's Sullen Sidekick":

The Houthis got in a pattern of sending missiles between 3-4 a.m. to try to create "cumulative psychological burnout" . During the last week of December, they sent FOUR middle-of-the-night missiles. With all due respect to those (including the @#%^ Houthis) who thought this was a devious and horrible thing to do, I was pretty okay with it. Not in comparison with NO missiles, of course, but I would MUCH, MUCH rather have in air raid siren when I know where the nearest shelter is compared to when I'm out-and-about during the day. 

popular meme that was going around. I got a good chuckle

And also something to be said for everyone being in this together. You know when you've had a rotten night's sleep but everyone around you is all perky and well-rested? Well this wasn't like that; everyone was reaching for the coffee and the biggest question was "did you go back to sleep or stay awake since then?"

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